Scott Stephens
Senior Software Engineer


Phoenix, AZ
30+ Years


AWS C/C++ CSS HTML Java Javascript MySQL Oracle Python ReactJS SvelteKit Typescript VueJS


I am a Senior Software Engineer with a broad range of experience for more than 30 years in the IT industry, including managing, training and customer support. Managing Director of small GIS and database software provider. Developed Software and designed databases for Oracle Corporation, Ricoh, Bank of the West, Starbucks, Akamai, Premiere Digital Services, Cargill and several startups. Author of “py2jdbc” Python package on Pypi to integrate Python and Java Database APIs.


py2jdbc — Python JDBC Connector

I created a public component which allows Python programs to connect to databases through JDBC drivers.

algorithms — Algorithm Practice

Just some examples writing various algorithms

cm — Aurelia Contact Manager with Bottle/Aurelia/Bulma

I created an example contact manager using Python Bottle for backend, Aurelia as a framework and Bulma components on frontend.

falcr — Python/Falcon example with Falcon/JWT/VuewJS

I took the "falcr" example from the docs and converted it to use JWT authentication, Google App Engine NDB and VueJS as a front end.

ua — Convert Unravelling AngularJS 1.5 to Pug/Coffee/Stylus

I took the book Unraviling AngularJS 1.5 by Istvan Novak and rewrote the examples in Jade, Coffeescript and Stylus as an extra challenge.

uam — Convert Unraveling Angular Material to Pug/Coffee/Stylus
Unraveling Angular Material by  Istvan Novak

I took the examples from the book Unravelling Angular Material by Istvan Novak and converted it to use Pug (Jade)/Coffeescript and Stylus.

kitchen — Convert Angular Material to Pug/Coffee/Stylus

I took the "Kitchen Sink" example from Angular Material website and converted it to use Pug (Jade)/Coffeescript and Stylus.

num — Generate Cardinal Numerals in several languages

This is an old web app I created which writes out numbers in several languages.